Many people want to F.I.R.E (Financial Independent, Retire Early), but I don’t, especially in the every inflationary environment. How sure are you? How desperate do you want to F.I.R.E? How sure are you with the X million(s) that you think you have, or XXXXXX dividend/rental/fixed income you have can last you indefinitely? UP up Up…
Category: Careyourpresent
This is section to share articles on how to Care Your Present and to live a better life.
Work is part of Life? Do you agree?
I saw this article via Finance Opti. He shared that DBS CEO Piyush Gupta thinks work-life balance is ‘baloney’ & that work is part of life But he disagrees with the statement above and brought up the an interesting point For example, the NUS President is able to have morning walks and talk to his…
Live in Present is not easy
Many of us would have heard of this quote from Dalai Lama Man! Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live…
Work from Home flexibility is diminishing in Singapore – sad for parents
Working From Home After COVID, the flexibility work arrangement has definitely make many parents happier as they now can find some time to bring their kid to school and pick them them from school. Their child (whose short time window where the parents are their only world only last for a short few years) will…
It’s has been a long while since I write article for the CAREYOURPRESENT series articles, I guess its good time to do so. Please pardon me for using chinese words as my title but this title brings out what I wish to share. I came across the line somewhere on the internet. 小时候,幸福很简单。长大了,简单很幸福。 To put…
Embracing the Work-Life Balance Paradigm Shift: Do you love or hate it?
The Trend The concept of work-life balance has been experiencing a significant transformation in recent years. Driven by various factors, especially after the COViD-19, this shift has revolutionized the way we approach work and personal life, leading to a more flexible and employee-centric work environment. Let’s see what are the changes? The Rise of Remote…