Does account size matter? Many people always tell you that in order to measure your returns or even compare your returns with other people, use percentage instead of the absolute amount as it is fairer and easier to compare. However is this really the truth? Very often, we would say we earn a return of…
Author: careyourpresent
Careyourpresent : The Art of Doing Nothing and Financial Independent Retire Early (FIRE)
The Fact of Doing Nothing is difficult to most people Very often, in this society, especially every busy work life, we as part of the city, are used to doing things every single moment of our life. When you take a bus/train, lunch or even talking to friends, many would be looking at their mobile…
6 Simple Steps to start your investment journey, especially in Cryptocurrency
When I first started this site, my intention is to go a bit advance to share Cryptocurrency as I believe in the future of Cryptocurrency and still believe so. However, after receiving questions from readers/friends etc, I realized that I should also include more basic investment stuff in my site. Hence, the most fundamental question…
BOLD Macro prediction using Metaphysics and Real Economic Data (2)
Another key point to add is FED already printed so much money in 2001, 2008, 2020 and is now with 30 Trillions debt. Inflation is still rising but they can’t print their way out anymore..hence they have to increase interest rate, but it will be “soft landing” according to FED. Let’s wait for 20-21 Sep…
Careyourpresent: Something only happen once in life, if you missed it, it’s gone forever…
Some thing once you missed it, it will never come back. For example, I received the watsapp message today at 3.49pm while I am working in office. The first message is my from my kid at 15.49 who ask “Baba, where are you now?“ I replied at 15.58 “I am in office working. Why? Do…
BOLD Macro prediction using Metaphysics and Real Economic Data
Metaphysics is something with long history. Many people think that this is not Science and is just old folks tales. For those providing consultation to people are just cheating people money. It’s both truth and false depending on how you see it. Few days ago I just watched the YouTube below. For those who believe,…