Idling Cash Everyone has some idling cash, and many would still like to generate decent returns for these idling cash. With dipping fixed deposit rate, it is getting difficulty to get nice, high fixed deposit rate especially for those who just got back their money for DBS 4.88% 3 months Fixed Deposit on 13 May….
Year: 2023
Unlocking Extra Income: Side income updates
In today’s high interest rate volatile world with raising inflation/cost of living, finding ways to supplement your primary income has become increasingly important. Whether you’re looking to pay off debt, save for a dream vacation, or simply increase your financial security etc, unlocking extra income through side hustles can be a game-changer. I still remembered…
Time is the ultimate currency, not money
Ultimate currency of life Although I write finance things most of the time like other finance bloggers, but I am slightly differently. Time to time, I also write some philosophical (or to some, it’s bullshit, talk too much stories with no value since I am not talking about money) article to remind myself and everyone…
Ultimate Strategy of buying REITS: XXX instead of X000?
Buying of Reits Reits is one the best favourite tools for many Singapore Investors. People like to buy reits for their stable income, even in today’s current high interest rates. What is the XXX or X000 in the title of this blog post? Many must be confused on what I am writing, is it some…
Moomoo – One Stop Platform for US, SG, HK stocks and a great higher yield alternative to Singapore Saving Bonds using Moomoo Cash Plus!
Are you tired of juggling multiple investment platforms that are complicated to use and charge high fees? Are you looking for an all-in-one investment platform that offers a range of investment options, competitive commission rates, and powerful trading tools? Look no further than Moomoo SG! Moomoo SG is an innovative investment platform that is fully…
Cashflow Management Made Easy: How I Simplified my Cashflow Management
Cashflow is king Have you heard the saying “Cashflow is king”? It’s true. Managing your cashflow effectively is crucial for achieving financial stability and success. As someone who’s experienced the ups and downs of personal finance, I understand the importance of keeping a tight handle on my money. That’s why I want to share with…