Past VS Future VS Now
The past is the past and it’s gone. The future is unknown and it’s not here yet. The only time we have is right now, so let’s live in the present moment!
Enjoy the present moment
If you want to live in the present, you must learn how to enjoy it.
You can’t enjoy the present if you are worrying about the past and/or future.
You can’t enjoy the present if you’re worried about what others think of you.
You can’t enjoy the present if you’re worried about your mistakes or failures or successes, etc…
Have faith in a better tomorrow
When people say that they don’t think about the future because it’s too far away, I can understand where those feelings come from. In my life, the future has always been a mystery: when I was young and lived with my parents, the far-off future meant what would happen in college or after that. When I had to rely on myself as an adult, it became even more difficult to predict what was on the other side of an upcoming milestone or event—I’d get stuck thinking about how things could go wrong rather than preparing for them to go right!
But regardless of whether we’re talking about small moments like your commute home from work or larger ones like retirement plans and vacations abroad (or maybe even something as abstract as “what will happen” when you die), there’s one thing we can all do: believe that our lives will be better tomorrow than they are today. Even if we’re not sure how this might happen; even if we aren’t sure at all…our hope is still there!
Do not compromise with the present
- Do not compromise with the present.
- Live in the moment, be aware of your surroundings, body and thoughts.
- Be aware of how you feel inside as well as outside your body – this is what is called “being in touch with yourself”
- If it’s causing any pain or discomfort then you have a problem to deal with head on so that you can move forward without being scared about the future because nothing was dealt with properly when it happened originally
Do not go around in circles
Life is a gift and it should be lived. It’s your life and you can do whatever you want with it. You can choose to live in the past or future, but if you live in these things, then which one is true? If I say that “you” are someone else and that person is dead and gone, then how do we know if this is true or not? If there was an accident on the road, would you really have died if I had stopped my car from swerving off course? If someone comes up with a device that stops time travel from happening because it could cause harm (and chances are high for causing harm), then what about all of those who already traveled through time before said device was invented? Would they still be alive now after having gone back into their own time periods during their lives as others but when they died before this invention came out?
If something happens today between two people who love each other very much so much that one dies at some point in time due to nature’s wraths like hurricanes etc., would they really die forever off course just because of what happened between them years ago during childhood where both were best friends until one decided otherwise due to finding another who they thought was better than their first friend…?
Dont live in past
The past is history and the future a mystery. But today, only today, is the present. That’s why it’s called the present.
The present is all you have to live for because you can’t change what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow. No matter how hard you try to relive the past and plan for an uncertain future, your efforts are wasted on what was and what may be. The only thing that truly matters is being here now—today—because this moment is all we have available to us at any given time in our lives.
If we invest our time trying to live in another time or place other than now, then we’ll never get anywhere because we’re stuck focusing on things that don’t exist anymore!
Dont live in future
- Live in present.
- Enjoy the present moment.
- Have faith in a better tomorrow, but don’t compromise with the present because if you are not living right today, then you cannot have a good future.
- Don’t go around in circles (worrying about the future and regretting the past)
Don’t worry about the future and don’t regret the past
You can’t predict the future, but you can plan for it.
Planning your future is not a waste of time. It allows you to set realistic goals and make plans to achieve them.
However, if you spend too much time worrying about things that haven’t happened yet then it can be distracting from what is happening now!
The past is another thing we don’t have control over so it makes no sense to regret it or wallow in self pity because things didn’t go exactly as planned.
Live for now
You can’t live in the past or future, so you only have the present to live in. You can’t be here and there at the same time. Choose one: either you are here or there, but not both.
If you’re thinking about what went wrong yesterday, it’s too late to change it—you should have done that yesterday! If you’re thinking about what will happen tomorrow, it may never come—you should focus on today and enjoy every second of your life!

It is very important to live in the present moment, because life is too short to worry about the future or regretting your past. So, savor every moment of your life and make it worthwhile by doing something new every day. If you want to be successful in your future, then start taking steps towards it today!