Financial Literacy Financial literacy is the ability to effectively manage your money, which can help people make good decisions about their personal finances. It is important for people to understand their financial situation and make decisions about how they will use or manage their money. This includes understanding how much money you have to spend,…
Category: Investment and Finance
Portfolio Update: 1 Jan 2023
Some brief introductions of my site First of all, Happy new year 2023! Let me start this post to share my journey for the past year 2022. I have started this site using on 5 April 2022 with the main objective to share about cryptocurrency (you can refer to my first post). I was thinking…
Unexpected SBJAN23 GX23010Z Auction Results
This is the auction result Singapore Saving Bonds SBJAN23 GX23010Z results was released at 3pm today. Let’s look at the result released at 3pm today. This Savings Bond was allotted using the Quantity Ceiling format. Applicants who applied for S$172,500 or lower were fully allotted, subject to the individual allotment limits.Applicants who applied for S$173,000…
You will likely never run out of money with 1 million: Expectation vs Reality
Worry about running out of money Many people worry about running out of money regard how much they actually have. But how much money is enough? Will you really run out of money? Human tends to overthink a lot, buffer too much, worry too much, think too much…If we look deeper, likely you will need…
Singapore Savings Bonds SBJAN23 GX23010Z: A Safe and Secure Investment?
Risk Free Heaven Hunters Currently we are in the best world condition where interest rates keep rising, I believe that many yields hungry, but more risk averse people are hunting for the best yield returns for their idling cash. Is the coming Singapore Savings Bonds SBJAN23 GX23010Z with average yield of 3.26% a safe and…
10 most common mistakes that investors make
Introduction Do you want to be an investor like the lady in this image? Read on! Like majority of people, investing can seem like a daunting task. There’s so much advice out there that it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why I’m here with the 10 most common mistakes investors make—and…