This will be a very short post. There are people asking me what are the differences between Web 3.0 and 2.0.
Let me share a very simple definition of the difference between the both!
(1) Web 2.0 is the current version of the internet with which we are all familiar with, while Web 3.0 represents its next phase, which will be decentralized, open, and of greater utility – Crypto!
(2) Web 2.0 is controlled by your big companies such as Google whereas Web 3.0 is decentralized, built on the same concept of Blockchain technology, where the data is decentralized and runs on a token-based economy. This simply means, data is not controlled or saved in a central server but by various inter-connected servers unlike Web 2.0.
In short, decentralized, higher utility for all normal users would be the future – CRYPTO!