This is a follow-up to my previous article: FIRE and the Big Dilemma – Dividends vs Safe Withdrawal Rate: Which One Helps You Sleep at Night? Do read if you have missed it! In that last post, we explored the dividends vs. SWR dilemma faced by many in the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement….
Tag: Investment
FIRE and the Big Dilemma: Dividends vs. Safe Withdrawal Rate – Which One Helps You Sleep at Night?
So, you’ve made it. After years of grinding, saving, and investing like a maniac, you finally hit your FIRE number. Financial independence is yours. No more alarm clocks. No more bosses breathing down your neck. Just freedom. But then, reality kicks in. “How do I actually live off my investments?” This question keeps a lot…
Interest Rate Cut on the Horizon…what’s next?
Interest Rate Cut on the Horizon…what’s next? This must be in the mind of many investors, especially for those into sensitive to rate instruments, such as S-REITS. Before the actual rate cut in the next few days, SREITs are up by more than 10% for the past few weeks. Congrats to fellow investors! I think…
Earning your 1st dollar from the Internet
It’s been a month since my last update Well before I share about earning the 1st dollar from the internet, Let’s me provide some update about my site first. It’s been a month since my last blog post. I was busy with many things in life which result in lesser time to write anything on…
Save 50% of your brokerage fee and store your shares for FREE at CDP
Custodian VS CDP There were many interesting discussions in Investingnote on using FSMOne buy shares and then transfer to CDP for free. I always thought many people know about this hack long ago. I guess I was wrong. In simple summary, just buy shares using FSMone, pay 50% less in commissions as traditional brokerages (for…
Market Update + Saver UOB One Account 4% starting from 1 May 2024
There was a revision of the UOB One account Interest announced in early April. Well, it was effective rate of 5% (highest in market) for many months for 100k. With the new update, it would become 4% with 150k! Wah I need to take up another 50k to maintain lesser interest. Well, such is life,…