So, you’ve made it. After years of grinding, saving, and investing like a maniac, you finally hit your FIRE number. Financial independence is yours. No more alarm clocks. No more bosses breathing down your neck. Just freedom. But then, reality kicks in. “How do I actually live off my investments?” This question keeps a lot…
Tag: Dividends
Interest Rate Cut on the Horizon…what’s next?
Interest Rate Cut on the Horizon…what’s next? This must be in the mind of many investors, especially for those into sensitive to rate instruments, such as S-REITS. Before the actual rate cut in the next few days, SREITs are up by more than 10% for the past few weeks. Congrats to fellow investors! I think…
I am the God of Investing!
Many people think that they are God of Investing. I am the God of Investing! To do so, I can simply do stock picks of individual stocks, in distress or great potential to goes up in future. Then I can get 100% or 1000% gain within a year, then can just compound and be super…
It’s a long start of the year – what I have been busy with?
It’s a long start of the year – what I have been busy with? It’s been a long while since I posted anything. It’s been a very busy January 2024. I started the year with the typical 9 to 5 work of course! It’s a very busy work year. But luckily started with the news…
Answer to the Guess my Company
Yes, you are right. I am still in holiday now (see my last post on 8 Dec 2023). I have no internet access. I deliberately cut off myself from the internet work. I have told my bosses / co-workers that I am not subscribing to roaming, hence won’t have any access 🙂 Does the picture…
Portfolio Update: Dividends/Interest per month
Portfolio It been a long while since I did an update of my portfolio. My last update was on 13 September 2023 titled: Portfolio Update: Dividends/Interest S$3800 per month In that update, I have shown the below picture. Many people like to show dividend per year, per month, daily, hourly, per minute, per sec thing….