Do you remember how creative and how imaginative you were when you were a child? As time passes by, most people lose their child’s mind. Through this NFT collection, you will relive your childhood.
This NFT collection features the marvelous mind of a child. These artworks showcase how the little mind think and grow as the child grow up.

Time flies very fast especially and most people missed their own childhood or their child growing up years. This is especially true for those who have no time due to busy at work or forgot about the more important aspect of life…
At a blink of an eye, you have finished school, start work, get married, have kids, aged, retired…suddenly you wondered if you can become young and relive your life again.
At a blink of an eye, your child was born, growing up from a cute adorable baby to a toddler in preschool, then suddenly become school going child, then graduate, get married… Your children are growing up fast. Before you know it, they will be leaving for college. Treasure and Careyourpresent or you will miss it.

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