Recently I saw many people recommending this book. Hence I went to the NLB to borrow and read it. Do go read. It really open your mind.

Die with Zero by legendary energy trader, Bill Perkins, details a thought-provoking framework for maximizing net fulfillment, over net worth.
Die with Zero introduces the compelling principles he uses to think about personal finances, and more importantly, life.
Key takeaways from the book
Rule #1 — Maximize positive life experiences
Rule #2 — Start investing in experiences early
Rule #3 — Aim to die with ZERO
Rule #4 — Use all available tools to help you die with zero
Rule #5 — Give money to your children or to charity when it has the MOST impact
Rule #6 — Don’t live life on autopilot
Rule #7 — Think of your life as distinct seasons
Rule #8 — Know WHEN to stop growing your wealth
Rule #9 — Take your biggest risks when you have little to lose
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