My name is Edmond, founder of this Careyourpresent site.
I started this site using wordpress.com on 5 April 2022 with the main objective to share about cryptocurrency (you can refer to my first post). I was thinking hard to come up with a meaningful name related to Cryptocurrency and eventually came out with Careyourpresent. One may ask how does Careyourpresent link to Crypto?
If I take the first letter of CaReYourPresenT with an extra o, I will get the word Crypto.
However, as I start to write more and more blog posts, with increasing clarity of thoughts coming into my clearer mind. I realized that my niche and focus should remain to be Careyourpresent. One may ask why Careyourpresent?
Everyone wants to improve their lives. That’s the ultimate goal.
There are many ways to improve life.
One of the key methods that most people believe is achieving Financial independent retire early so that they can ditch their 9 to 5 and enjoy freedom forever. However, this is not the real truth when you reach there. Conversely, there will be lots of self-doubts as you will become the weird minority. Additionally, did you see people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffets, Elon Musk stopped working after they reach there?
In fact, retire early or not doesn’t matter. Most important is your mind instead. Of course, if one is busy spending their precious time working, struggling to earn a living, one will not have time to really ponder through the wonderful gift of life itself. Hence, it is undeniable that (money) is also an important part of to live a life that one want. Thus, financial independent is important to give you more choices in life.
Remember: In life, there is no reset button. Time is limited but money is not.

Focusing Careyourpresent & living a fulfilling life by supercharging your mind & investment/online income.
Slowly as my site grows further, I have moved from wordpress.com to wordpress.org on 28 November 2022.
The focus of this site is to share how to Careyourpresent & living a fulfilling life – this is what my blog about – to focus Care Your Present and share how to use business, investment, 9 to 5 salary etc to grow your wealth until you are rich but not forgetting to treasure life during the process (building the mind). Hence, there will be two main themes for this site.
Theme 1: Careyourpresent – sharing how to Careyourpresent & living a fulfilling life
Theme 2: Tools to achieve good financial standing – Crypto, TradFi, Passive Income, Online Income and lastly tools to enhance productivity
Remember: In life, there is no reset button for you or for your time. We must learn to Careyourpresent and enjoy the marvelous gift of life.
Investment background
Many people started off as a newbie (myself included), I understand how hard it is to start investing, especially in Crypto. Through this site, I hoped that I can shared what I have learnt over the decades to the reader of this sites, helping you to building your wealth through investing while remembering to Careyourpresent during the process.
Let me share a bit of my background. I started investing in the market since 2008. This year was the famous global financial crisis. I remembered that there were lots of fears in the market. As a newbie starting to invest in the “risky” financial markets, I was in great fear too.
After reading some investing books, I tried to dip my toes into the market using the “usual marketed diversified unit trusts” with low $XXXX capital. Of course, since my unit trust investing was during the bear market, I started to earn $XXX profits few years later. Inevitably I fell into the famous newbie trap of feeling “invincible” and started to sink in more capitals in the low 5 digits ($XXXXX) into penny/smaller cap stocks etc without the real understanding of how market works. I followed “famous gurus” to buy shares. What happened in the end? I become the exit liquidity. I started to lose more money in $XXX, then $XXXX, then $XXXXX. Contrary to what most think, losing money is actually a good way to learn 🙂
Fast forward to today in 2022, I am currently managing at least a million portfolio as compared to the low XXX portfolio when first started in 2008.
I started from Singapore Market, learning how to value undervalue stocks, slowly I have progressed to dividend stocks, small CAP, blue chips in Singapore Market. After which, I went to open Interactive Brokers account and learn about options, tried buy/sell calls and puts for UK/US/EUR market. I have also traded forex. Then I follow the hype and went to buy Hongkong tech and losses money in the crackdown (although I still believe in the long term market for China). Of course, I have also tried DCA, VCA index etfs, funds, dividend investing etc. Lastly, I learnt Crypto, do degen farming, staking, lending, liquidity pool, gamefi etc and also join the UST gang and loss some money. In short, I have experiences in all kinds of investing methods/tools. etc.
Please also remember: Investing in the bear market is one of the best way to get generational wealth. Learn to oppose the trend. Sell in Euphoric market, buy in fear market.
Please feel free to contact me to share your thoughts or let me know what topics that you hope that I can cover 🙂